

Watching this video we use our three brains.At first we read "Happy birthday" using our necortex brain and we understand that we are going to watch someone's birthday party, then we hear a very favourite and famous song"Happy birthday to you'',here we use our limbic brain.During video we see a lovely child, but later we get surprised to see him going mad,here is our reptilian brain.
This video uses the following persuasive techniques.
1.HUMOR.In this video humor has a great roll, because a young man is making his boss angry by his present.And all the people are funny because they are only interested in the present. 2.BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE. In this video good looking people are used, in order to make it impressive and interesting.
3.BANDWAGON. Here we see that everybody is singing , and the young man is being persuaded to do so.
4.DENIAL. By this persuasive kind, the video is persuading us to avoid unpleasant moments by eating new mars
.5.HYPERBOLE. In this video we hear that if we have a black day mars will help us. I think it is hyperbole,as we can't solve our problems by just eating mars.
6.WARM FUZZIES. This video wants to have an influence on us by a lovely child, and good looking people.
7.TIMING. This video lasts only 51 minutes, but we see 8 persuasive techniques of media here
8.SYMBOL. At the end of video we see the logo of mars.



Chaplin was born in 1889 in London. His mother was so poor that she had to send him to an orphanage.But he started acting at the age of five,and was soon a successful comic in the theatre.When he went to America,he got into films and became a star almost immediately.In 1916,Chaplin earned $10.000 a week, and an extra $150.000 per film.
His silent films were perfect works of art. Without words,he could say everything. He created a language with his face and his body. In 'The Kid'(1921) Chaplin is a window repairer.The little boy helps him by breaking windows! In most of his films, Chaplin plays a poor man on the streets. But the actor was a millionaire.
In 1929,the age of the silent film came to an end. A new technology made it possible to record sound and pictures together. The 'talkies' arrived.They were very different from silent films. The public loved them,of course.But they were the end of the road for many film-makers.Some old director just couldn't change their style.Some great silent actors had terrible voices.They couldn't get parts in the 'talkies'.
Chaplin's voice was good but he didn't really want to work in the talkies.His love was the silent films. In 1931 he made another claasic film,'City Lights', but again it was silent. Even 'Modern Times' probably his successful film,made in 1936,had music but no dialogue.
In 1938 Chaplin moved to Sweden and lived there till the end of his life.

THEATRE AND CINEMA:how it all begun

The first theatrical performances took place in ancient Greece. The Greek drama developed from hymn sung to Dionysius, the god of wine and good life. But it did not become true theatre until performances included stories of the other gods and actors to represent them.
The first actor known was called Thespis. He was the leading singer and traveled from his birthplace to Athens in a cart that carried all his belongings and could be turned into a stage performance. In Athens he won a prize at the new drama festival. People believe that he was also the first man who separated himself from other singers to make a dialogue with them. He was the first professional performer who was brave enough to play a god. Before him this role had always belonged to priests or kings.

CINEMA is much youger than theatre.It was born at the end of 19th century.The first people who showed the first movies to a paying public were the Lumiere Brothers of France.They did this at the Grand Cafe,Boulevard des Capucines,Paris,on February 1896.This was the first cinema show and it was qucikly followed by many others in all parts of the world.The first films showed moving people and transport or newsreels of processions and wars,and short comedies.In 1901 France was the first country to preduce a dramatic film, The Story of a Crime, which was followed by The Great Train Robbery in the United States in 1903.

At this time cinema rapidly developed in both the New and the Old World.




.Every time when the injustice wins, it seems that there has never been justice.

.THERE MUST BE EQUALITY AMONG PEOPLE, without considering their age,gender,colour of body,belief and social condition.

.The worst evil is indifference. To know and not struggle, means to put up with injustice.

I think we must'nt let this (in the video) happen. We must struggle both for our and for other people's rights,because if a person's rights are in danger it means that all people's rights are violated.



sweep through the great US cities, drawing tens of thousands to airports for the merest glimpse.
They play for no more than half an hour per concert. A Hard Days Night has guaranteed them star status in the cinema and they laughed their way through Help! in Technicolour. Paul dreams that he has written Yesterday – and has. They are the first band to play a baseball stadium, Shea in New York, breaking records for crowd fever, numbers and good cheer. Oh, and they go to Buckingham Palace to receive medals from the Queen and, by now, more or less accept it as their due. They are, however, as happy and polite as can be.
’Wherever they went, they brought Beatlemania with them. They couldn’t help it; it was a form of real love. George would say many years later that the world used them as an excuse to go mad and then blamed it on the Beatles, but there is a parallel theory that it was time for the world to go that sort of mad – get down a bit, loosen up, and like Uncle John in Long Tall Sally, have some fun tonight. The crowd scenes are awesome and, in retrospect awful. How did no-one get killed?... BRAVO Beatles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Here is an interesting video.This video influences our limbic brain,because here we see changing images and hear music,which makes us happy.During these changing images we are looking forward how will look the next new image,so we start imagining and thinking,which is the rezult of our necortex brain.