

Watching this video we use our three brains.At first we read "Happy birthday" using our necortex brain and we understand that we are going to watch someone's birthday party, then we hear a very favourite and famous song"Happy birthday to you'',here we use our limbic brain.During video we see a lovely child, but later we get surprised to see him going mad,here is our reptilian brain.
This video uses the following persuasive techniques.
1.HUMOR.In this video humor has a great roll, because a young man is making his boss angry by his present.And all the people are funny because they are only interested in the present. 2.BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE. In this video good looking people are used, in order to make it impressive and interesting.
3.BANDWAGON. Here we see that everybody is singing , and the young man is being persuaded to do so.
4.DENIAL. By this persuasive kind, the video is persuading us to avoid unpleasant moments by eating new mars
.5.HYPERBOLE. In this video we hear that if we have a black day mars will help us. I think it is hyperbole,as we can't solve our problems by just eating mars.
6.WARM FUZZIES. This video wants to have an influence on us by a lovely child, and good looking people.
7.TIMING. This video lasts only 51 minutes, but we see 8 persuasive techniques of media here
8.SYMBOL. At the end of video we see the logo of mars.


  1. Hi Lilit,

    Great application of our persuasive techniques here - you cover some good ground here (check your spelling on "hyperbole.")

    Bravo - GO DOTCOM!

    Dr. W

  2. Thanks!!!!!!!!!! Oh sorry,I shall check it!

  3. Hi Lil! Excellent work - 10 points out of 10! My congratulations!

  4. Hi Lil! Excellent work - 10 points out of 10! My congratulations!

  5. Bravo!I really like your way to work!

  6. very good. interesting video!!!

  7. Hi Lilit!!! Very interesting blog.
